
Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulder Rehabilitation

Shoulders are one of our specialties!  Our therapists have treated thousands of shoulder patients successfully.

Non-surgical management for frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), rotator cuff tears, and shoulder impingement, can be effective in up to 90% of patients. We use a three phase program for shoulder impingement, with efficacy demonstrated in a five state multicenter trial.

We commonly treat patients with:

- Shoulder Impingement
- Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder)
- Shoulder Instability
- Rotator Cuff Tears/Repairs
- Total Shoulder Replacements
- Labral Tears/Repairs

Shoulder Impingement: A common cause of shoulder pain

Shoulder pain affects about 16% to 21% of the population and is second only to low back pain in prevalence. Subacromial impingement or compression of rotator cuff tendons accounts for up to 60% of visits to a physician with shoulder pain. The presenting symptom is pain frequently with reaching the arm out to the side or overhead. The cause is related to both biomechanical factors such as muscle weakness, inflexibility, posture, or degenerative changes and also to repetitive arm activity at or above shoulder level as in sports or manual labor.

Nonsurgical management including a supervised physical program with exercise and manual therapy is successful is 67-80% of persons with impingement syndrome.

Please refer to our Patient Education section for more information on Shoulder Rehabilitation.